Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Long Day

What a day it has been already! Gage is trying to set a record of how many liquids he can dump on the carpet--first it was an entire cup of milk, then it was my orange juice that he grabbed off the desk, and last but not least he ran away in the middle of a diaper change and peed on a toy and the carpet!! He was quite perplexed by the last incident. :) Alas, nap-time is just around the corner!! Oh and Reese thought he would add to everything by dumping a whole bunch of straight pins on the floor too. Thank-you Lord for my little mess-makers.
Yesterday was a lazy day spent reading our new books that the boys got for Christmas this past weekend and playing with toys. So today is catch up day and I am feeling slightly sluggish. I finally called the doctor today to ask about my glucose test and the nurse said everything came back normal--Praise the Lord!! Sunday marked the beginning of my third trimester! I have 13 weeks left, maybe less. My goal is to make to 38 weeks. I am starting to feel a little panicked now thinking about everything that needs to be done yet. I just keep telling myself not to think about it until after Christmas is over. God has been very faithful to us and I know that everything will get done and happen in His perfect timing. Blessings and Merry Christmas to all!!

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Waiting. . .

So I am 26 and a few days pregnant! I had to repeat my glucose test on Tuesday to see if I have gestational diabetes or not and I am still waiting on the results from that. Believe me that was not a fun experience--not being able to eat for 12 hours and then drinking 100 g of pure fruit punch flavored sugar, having my blood drawn 4 times and waiting for 3 more hours to eat. That was an experience I hope to never have to repeat. Kim went with me so that helped a lot and then I had an ultrasound after. The babies are looking good, they are measuring right on track. Baby A is actually measuring about a week ahead of Baby B, but they said that is fine. Baby B was kicking Baby A in the butt while we were watching, it was very cute. Much to my sister's dismay, the gender of the little ones still remains a mystery!! I can't believe I have three months left--it is coming very fast, I still have so much to do!

I had a first on Tuesday (besides the glucose test), Kim and I went to Applebee's for lunch, where the hostess kindly seated us at a booth. The problem being, she didn't bother to look and see how "fat" I currently am and that I couldn't even fit in sideways let alone turn to eat my food! We sat at the table across from the booth and the waiter was kind enough to say that I looked beautiful and told me it was only a temporary problem.:) What a wonderful day it was!:)