Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Big Hole...

No, we have not fallen off the face of the earth!! :) We have had a very busy month! There is so much to blog about but obviously it will have to come a little at a time. A couple of weeks ago we had a guy come and fill a huge cistern in our backyard. The cistern was covered by a huge cement slab but was starting to crack and there was a small opening with a lid that the older boys could easily move. You can tell by the pictures it is not something we wanted our children to fall into. The cistern was about 9 feet deep and had about 3 feet of water sitting in the bottom. It took them about 4-5 hours to complete the job. My boys thought it was grand fun to watch the backhoe and the dump truck. The guy that did it said that the boys kept him entertained. :)
We were looking at a poor little frog trying to climb up the wall while they were getting the water drained out. After they started filling the whole with dirt, Gage asked, with great concern, where the frog was. The man just told him that he went bye-bye. Didn't quite have the heart to tell him the frog was buried alive!!
Anyway, now our backyard is a huge mess because the ground was pretty soft when they drove the backhoe and dump truck through it. We have had so much rain we haven't had much of a chance to do anything about it yet but hopefully soon we will get it back to normal. I am just very thankful I don't have to worry about my kids falling down in that hole anymore.

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