Friday, January 30, 2009

Crazy week!!!

It's been a while since I last posted and I'm not sure where to even start. Since my memory is failing me these days and I can't remember anything beyond last weekend--I will start there. Last Friday we headed out to Indiana to help Austin and Jana with their apartment renovations. We left our boys at Grandma's house and away we went. Tim's two sisters (Jana and Karla) went with us and of course my husband managed to get us there in record time even with a couple of traffic jams (Hmm, that whole marrying someone like your dad might have some merit:). Your probably thinking how in the world a woman who is 7 months pregnant with twins helped with renovations--well, I didn't. At first I felt really useless because I can't bend and I can't be around paint and I can't lift anything super heavy and I could go on and on but the point is, I got over it and greatly enjoyed spending my time at Uncle Kerm's house just lounging around and reading--not something I get to do very often, if ever. We had a great time spending time with Tim's family--they are wonderful--sometimes I wonder if it's fair that I have a wonderful family and I got to marry into a wonderful family! Anyway, now that I have overused the word wonderful:). Tim also got to go snowmobiling with Uncle Kerm in 0 degree temperatures. The picture below is him looking oh so thrilled that I insisted taking a picture of him in his getup.
We arrived home safe and sound on Sunday and picked up our boys, who were very glad to see Mommy and Daddy but also had a great time at both Grandmas houses.

So far Monday has been my only day at home this week and of course I felt a little lazy after being gone all weekend. Tuesday I headed to Mercy Hospital for my first non-stress test. I have to go in twice a week until I have the twins. Basically they hook me up to monitors and make sure everything is going well with the babies. It takes approximately 45 minutes and then I am free to go. On Tuesday I had a nurse that I would describe as a pessimistic realist. She thought it was her job to tell me all the bad things that could happen and that I would be very lucky to make it another 2-3 weeks. I left the hospital and told God that I did not agree with anything she spoke over me and that I would in fact have healthy twins and I will make it at least another 4-6 weeks.

Wednesday was a doctor's appointment at which she said everything looks good and I have no signs of premature labor--Praise the Lord!!

Thursday I got a Shiatsu massage and he told me that Baby A is head down again (PTL) and that Baby B is slanted down headfirst so I am feeling very positive and encouraged that I will be able to have a normal delivery for both of them. Oh and before I ever got to my massage I (true to myself) got stuck in an Amish guy's driveway! Tim came and pulled me out, it was rather embaressing. Then I almost couldn't make it in and out of my parent's driveway. As if I wasn't frustrated enough with all of that, on the way home my battery light came on in the van. I didn't think it could be the battery because it's less than a year old. I made it to my parent's house and talked to my dad and he said that it is the alternator--great! One good thing is that my dad is the alternator king. Along with all of my drama, my husband had a pretty bad day at work as well and couldn't take us home because he didn't get home until 2 something in the morning. So my wonderful mom brought us home so the boys could go to bed. Tim told me that even though we thought it wasn't a very good day that only means something good is going to happen soon. We are praying for that anyway. I am very thankful for my family and that we are all safe and sound.

Today I am going back to the hospital for another non-stress test and then I am going to go with my sister to a Brad Paisley concert in Moline!!! Very excited about that and hopefully the twins will be okay with the noise. :)

Here are some updated pictures of my daily growing self. I am 32 weeks. Gage thought he should show Daddy where the babies are.

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